Building relationships with farmers

Godfred Alimo’s passion is agriculture. He is an award winning mango and fish farmer, who moved from Accra to the countryside to kick-start his career in agriculture and develop something for his children. Starting with 15 acres, the steadily growing demand for mango and valuable advice by the Blue Skies agronomy team, made it possible to grow the farm to 100 acres today. Eight years ago, Godfred became a member of the Blue Skies Foundation council. Since then, he has helped select many more projects. With pride, he recalls his first one, Abortia School construction in 2011. Children were studying under trees with rain and animals disturbing their learning activities. After the school building was constructed by the Foundation, parents were no longer reluctant to send their children to school. Godfred sees the change in educational outcomes even after so many years. His family and friends praise the good learning conditions for their children. Since then, many other projects have been implemented. How Godfred sees it, the Foundation has strengthened the relationship between farmers and their communities. Everyone in the community knows it. It is our saviour. It shows that farmers and agribusinesses can jointly bring development to rural areas.

The new classroom block at Juapong, located near to Godfred's mango farm
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