Our Blueprint for a Better Planet

Our Blueprint is our plan for a better planet. We exist to enable thriving communites to live in harmony with nature, conserving our resources and protecting the climate.


Happy and Healthy People

We will benefit communities and give people the opportunity to reach their potential.


In Harmony with Nature

We will protect natural habitats and create opportunities for nature and wildlife to thrive.


Conserving our Resources

We will ensure nothing is wasted and whatever is left is either reused or recycled.


Protecting the Climate

We will reduce our impact on the climate and follow a path that leads us towards net zero emissions.



We are committed to reducing waste and ensuring that as much of it as possible is either reused or recycled.

Target: Zero food waste to landfill by 2030


We are committed to using as little energy as possible and ensuring that as much of it as possible comes from a sustainable source.

Targets: 50% energy from renewable sources by 2030. 20% reduction in energy intensity by 2030 (from 2021 baseline).


We are committed to protecting human rights by promoting diversity and equal opportunity, ensuring freedom of association and preventing discrimination, forced labour and child labour.

Target: Conduct Gender Pay Gap reporting across all sites


We are committed to minimising the impact that our supply chain has on biodiversity, ensuring as far possible that nature and wildlife can thrive.

Target: 50,000 trees planted by 2030


We are committed to providing the best possible place to work, where everyone is equally respected and where everyone can reach their potential.

Target: Achieve average of 24 training hours per person per year by 2030.


We are committed to ensuring all our materials come from a sustainable source and have minimal impact on the environment.

Target: All packaging to be recyclable, reusable, or home compostable by 2030


We are committed to minimizing the emissions produced in the way we grow, manufacture and distribute our products.

Target: Net Zero emissions by 2050


We are committed to always buy with integrity, fairness and professionalism, and to source as much as possible from local suppliers that work to high standards.

Target: 90% Tier 1 suppliers screened for social and environmental impacts by 2025


We are committed to ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of all the people who work in our business and visit our operations.

Target: Health, wellbeing and social committees to be introduced across all sites by 2025


We are committed to using as little water as possible and ensuring that as much of it as possible comes from a sustainable source.

Target: 100% factory wastewater recovered by 2030


We are committed to having a positive impact on the local economy and engaging with communities to provide support where it is within our means.

Target: Every site to be incorporated within the Foundation or support local charity partners by 2025.

Our Blueprint Goals are linked to the following UN Global Goals:

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