Our amazingly talented farmers are the cream of the crop and we wouldn’t be here without them – so we provide a fair scoop for our farmers and everyone in our supply chain.
From the farmer, to the driver, to the factory personnel to local communities. Every single person counts.
Making our ice cream in Ghana means as much as 75% of the finished product’s value stays where the fruit is grown, compared to as little as 15% if it is produced elsewhere. This enables farmer communities to flourish and inspires the next generation of coconut experts!

We developed the Blue Skies Foundation to work with local communities where Blue Skies operates.
Our Foundation enables projects to be chosen by farmers living within the communities. The council of community representatives follow a democratic process when prioritising projects then take responsibility for creating and evaluating the project.
To date, the Blue Skies Foundation has invested in more than 120 health and education projects including erecting school buildings, completing rural sanitation projects, building fire stations and outfitting health clinics.
These projects have led to increased school attendance and academic performance, improved community heath and sanitation and greater productivity among farming communities.
To encourage young people to consider a career in farming we work with local schools to educate students on agriculture and the incredible natural resources that Ghana has to offer. We do this primarily through the annual Blue Skies School Farm Competition.
Each year more than 3,000 students from 60 high schools take part in a competition. Schools set aside an area of land and grow crops, sharing progress reports and developing a plan to sustain the school farm once the competition is complete. Students are trained in the art of agronomy and farm the school’s land growing various crops.
A range of prizes are awarded based on entrepreneurship, innovation and farm success.

At Blue Skies, we take care to balance the needs of people, planet and product. We have a sustainability plan called our ‘Blueprint’ and it is built around four goals aimed at enabling thriving communities, living in harmony with nature, preserving our resources and protecting the climate.